Jared E. Spector, MD is Board Certified in Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery for the treatment of medical and surgical conditions affecting the head and neck in adults and children.
Dr. Spector came to Mann ENT after completing his chief year of residency at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in 2000. During his residency, he did extensive training at the Vanderbilt Voice Center, as well as with international leaders in the field of Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery. Dr. Spector is Board Certified by the American Academy of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery and an Associate of the American Academy of Otolaryngic Allergy. He has served on the Medical Executive Committee at WakeMed Cary Hospital.
He earned his medical degree from Baylor College of Medicine, where he was awarded early entry to Alpha Omega Alpha, the National Medical Honor Society.
He completed his undergraduate degree as Salutatorian from Vanderbilt University, graduating summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa, with a degree in chemistry.
Dr. Spector is currently accepting new patients.
Mann Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic
2000 – Present
Otolaryngology Residency
Vanderbilt University Medical Center, 1994-2000
Doctorate of Medicine
Baylor College of Medicine, 1990-1994
Bachelor of Arts
Vanderbilt University, 1986-1990
Major: Chemistry
Member, North Carolina Medical Board (Licensed, 2000)
Member, American Academy of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery (Board Certified, 2000)
Member, American Medical Association
Associate, American Academy of Otolaryngic Allergy
WakeMed Cary Hospital Medical Executive Committee, Formal Member
Residency, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
2000 Special Award, Resident Research Competition for “Prevention of Anterior Glottic Restenosis in a Canine Model Using Topical Mitomycin-C”
Nashville, TN
1999 The James Harrill Award, First Place, Research Competition for “Preservation of Function and Histologic Appearance in the Injured Canine Glottis Using Topical Mitomycin-C” The American Laryngological, Rhinological and Otological Society, Southern Section, New Orleans, LA
1999 Second Place, Research Presentation Award for “Preservation of Function and Histologic Appearance in the Injured Canine Glottis Using Topical Mitomycin-C” The American Laryngological, Rhinological and Otological Society
Southern Section, New Orleans, LA
Medical School, Baylor College of Medicine
1993 First Ballot Election to Alpha Omega Alpha, National Medical Honor Society
1994 Graduated “with Honors” in recognition of Performance in the Basic Sciences and Clinical Clerkships
1994 Awarded “High Honors” for Exceptional Academic Performance in the Basic Sciences
Undergraduate, Vanderbilt University
1990 Salutatorian Award for Graduating Class of 1990
1990 Graduated Summa Cum Laude
1989 Elected Phi Beta Kappa in Junior Year
1989 Department Award for Excellence in Chemistry
1989 Elected to College Scholars Program for Advanced Study
1989 Accepted for Michael E. DeBakey Surgical Clerkship Program, Baylor College of Medicine
2003 Spector N. Spector J. Ellis DL. Reinisch L. Reduction in lateral thermal damage using heat-conducting templates: a comparison of continuous wave and pulsed CO2 lasers. Lasers in Surgery & Medicine. 32(2):94-100, 2003.
2002 Spector N. Reinisch L. Spector J. Ellis DL. Free-electron laser and heat-conducting templates: a study of reducing cutaneous lateral thermal damage. Lasers in Surgery & Medicine. 30(2):117-22, 2002.
2001 Spector JE. Werkhaven JA. Spector NC. Huang S. Sanders D. Reinisch L. Prevention of anterior glottic restenosis in a canine model with topical mitomycin-C. Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology. 110(11):1007-10, 2001 Nov.
1999 Spector JE. Werkhaven JA. Spector NC. Huang S. Page RN. Baranowski B. Luther M. McGehee B. Reinisch L. Preservation of function and histologic appearance in the injured glottis with topical mitomycin-C. Laryngoscope. 109(7 Pt 1):1125-9, 1999 Jul.
2000 “Prevention of Anterior Glottic Restenosis in a Canine Model Using Topical Mitomycin-C”
Presented at the Combined Otologic Spring Meeting, Orlando
1999 “Preservation of Function and Histologic Appearance in the Injured Canine Glottis Using Topical Mitomycin-C”
Presented at the Southern Section of the American Triological Society, New Orleans
1997 “Incidence and Etiology of Dysphonia”
Presented at the Vanderbilt University Research Forum, Nashville
1992 “Topographic Brain Mapping of Auditory Event-Related Potentials Using a Temporal Resolution Paradigm”
Mentor: James Jerger
Baylor College of Medicine Research Forum
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