The ENT Urgent Care Clinic at Mann Ear, Nose and Throat

Happy Female Patient

Same-Day ENT Services

Get the expert ENT care you need, when you need it

Clinic Hours and Services

Clinic Hours and Services

North Carolina’s Only Specialized ENT Urgent Care Clinic is now Open every Weekday at our Cary location from 9am-11:30am & 2pm-4:30pm

Comprehensive ENT Services

Comprehensive ENT Services

Expert ENT care without the wait

Common Non-Emergent ENT Conditions Treated

Sinus InfectionsEar PainNasal CongestionSore ThroatAllergies DizzinessPost-Nasal DripHearing LossVoice DisordersChronic Cough HeadachesEarwax RemovalRunny NoseEar InfectionsItchy Ears TinnitusSnoringObstructive Sleep ApneaVertigoFacial Pain Nasal PolypsNasal ObstructionThroat IrritationDifficulty SwallowingTMJ Neck LumpsSinus PressureSwollen Lymph NodesJaw PainDry Throat HoarsenessGERDNosebleedsThroat TightnessVoice Changes Breathing ProblemsAsthmaLaryngitisSudden Hearing LossLabyrinthitis Chronic SinusitisSleep ApneaBarotraumaChronic RhinitisFood Sensitivities



Our Specialty Trained Physician Assistants Provide Expert ENT Care With Same Day Appointments Available EVERY WEEKDAY From 9 am – 11:30 pm & 2 pm – 4:30 pm at Our 601 Keisler Drive, Cary Location.
Patient's Name(Required)
*Patient’s name required for proper identification
Patient's Date of Birth(Required)
*Date of birth required for proper patient identification
Your Insurance Provider(Required)
Indicating your insurance allows us to more efficiently discuss the cost of your visit before proceeding
Mann ENT will never share your email or phone number with any 3rd party.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Same Day Appointments Now Available Every Weekday at Our Cary Location!
Appointment Type and Location
A representative may contact you by email or phone to facilitate your visit as required
Morning or Afternoon Appointment?
Preferred Method of Contact
Please describe in a few words the reason for your visit today, and how long the problem has been present. “Loss of hearing in my right ear for two days” for example. You may include more than one symptom if this is appropriate.
For each symptom noted above, please indicate the date of onset of this symptom, how long it tends to last, how often it happens, how severe it is on a scale from 1-10 (10 being the worst), any factor that makes it better or worse, and any strongly associated factors.
Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, tiff, jpeg, bmp, mp4, wmv, Max. file size: 50 MB.
Please Include a Picture of the Problem Area if You Feel It Would Be Helpful
If you are a returning patient, please list any new allergies that have developed since your last visit.
Please list your medications here if you are a new patient, or any new medications since your last visit if you are a returning patient. You may also include any issues with medications previously prescribed by Mann ENT.
Please indicate the name of your preferred pharmacy and the city or street location
Please indicate any surgical procedures you have undergone since your last visit with us.
Please tell us of any medical condition that has been diagnosed since your last visit.
Please include the name of the doctor or practice that referred you to the ENT Express Care. If you found us from another source, such as a friend or the internet, please let us know.
Please indicate either your Primary Care Provider’s name or their practice name and location
If you would like to include anything else we should know, simply type it here.

Please notify us that you have submitted this information online when you arrive, in order to facilitate your care

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

How can Mann ENT help you?

Easily request an appointment from the convenience of your desktop, laptop or mobile device.